viiCON consulting

Ideal for Your New Business Setup:
Ras Al-Khaimah Economic Zone (RAKEZ) | UAE

Authorized Partner

RAKEZ is the largest business and industry hub in the United Arab Emirates, comprising 6 purpose-built free zones and non-free zones with more than 18,000 companies in over 50 sectors, on 33 million square meters, equal to 4,622 soccer fields.

From single-entrepreneur startups to industrial enterprises, we consult and guide you from your first step until your business has been fully setup and you have settled.


RAKEZ Free Zone in Brief

RAKEZ is the largest business and industry hub in the United Arab Emirates. RAKEZ alone contributes 26 per cent of the UAE’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product). RAKEZ is home to offices, warehouses and production facilities of many global brands.

Just to name a few of the over 770 global brands with production facilities in RAKEZ:  

From shared offices or readily furnished private offices to warehouses of various sizes, and to plots for your own buildings, RAKEZ is ready to accommodate you and your business adequately.

RAKEZ is also offering special packages for startups and female entrepreneurs.

RAKEZ Free Zone Company Setup: Straightforward and Fast

The focus of our services is you. As the first step, we will discuss your needs with you and advise you accordingly about your best options. Our experienced in-house team will then implement your solution professionally within a few days.


Submitting required documents, applying for the right Business Licence that reflects your company’s activities, preparation of corporate documents, and delivery of all official documents of your new RAKEZ company.


If required, we advise you in detail about your options, from a small office to warehouses and industrial plots, provide you with offers and reserve the infrastructure needed for your company.


We will prepare the necessary documents and application(s) for you, and submit them with accompanying documents to the authorities. We arrange for medical test and biometric data, and we are happy to receive and safekeep your Emirates ID in case you are not in Ras Al-Khaimah. We will be glad to offer our expedited VIP services, if required.
Your advantage: All steps can be done within RAKEZ.


We will provide you with various options for your company’s bank account, either in the UAE or in Europe, and assist you with the effortful application procedures and the assembling of the required documents.

RAKEZ Free Zone in Detail


RAKEZ Business Licences

The widest coverage in the UAE

RAKEZ does provide business licences for;

  • commerce (trading in goods and services);
  • General Trading (allow for trading with any kind of goods and are not limited to specific goods or group of goods);
  • e-commerce;
  • education services (education-related institution or consultancy companies);
  • individual professionals;
  • services (in any industry);
  • media business;
  • freelancer;
  • industrial enterprises.

RAKEZ provides for a combination of up to 7 business activities under one business licence. Business activities from different sections may be combines under one licence.

Additional info for better evaluating business licensing by different free zones in general:

Basically, the number of licensable business activities in the United Arab Emirates is not really important. What is important is how narrowly or broadly each business activity has been defined.

RAKEZ’ licensable business activities cover almost every activity that may come to your mind.

Stefan Nolte

About Us

Profound advisory and fast services –
your one-stop solution provider

Authorized Partner

The viiCON team is led by its managing shareholder Stefan Nolte. Originally from Germany, Stefan is a true business veteran, living and working in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean since 1984.

15 years in business consulting, UAE company formation,  corporate services and business setup; 7 years managerial position in banking; doing business in the United Arab Emirates since 2001, and since 1985 in the wider region of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.

This vast experience, combined with the excellent service of our team, is the foundation of viiCON that our clientele benefits from while we are accompanying our customers toward successful business setups.

A well-established team, unchanged since seven years, and a resilient network of closed associates covering all aspects of business and development, are eager to support you and your project.

You are the focus of our passion to advise and to serve. We always begin our services with a complimentary e-meeting to discuss and determine your situation, expectation and needs. We evaluate your project together with you and select the options that serves you best.

We set up our clients’ businesses with the same professionalism and commitment, whether you are a startup or and industrial establishment.

viiCON is duly licensed as, or to carry out the following undertakings:

  • Corporate Services Provider;
  • Feasibility Studies Consultancies;
  • Project Management Services;
  • Trade Marks Registration Agent;
  • Companies Representations.

viiCON is affiliated with Shanda Consult Ltd, a licenced service provider based in the Republic of Cyprus.

viiCON  – We Consult!

viiCON Consulting FZCO

Your first step towards your business setup in RAKEZ Free Zone:
Contact us for a free initial consultation now.

We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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